An early start from Guto's allowed me chance to go and visit Cemlyn lagoons to see the tern colony.. I was hoping to see arctic terns, but no such luck. After some confusion, I managed to find out that they've had a catastrophic failure this year and I only saw two sarnie terns in total. They think an otter has been going in and the colony has failed. I was thrown by a juvenile redshank though! A nice learning experience, and another top place to have visited. One to try again in the future.
Before my meeting at SS, I popped to Holyhead harbour hoping to see black guillimot, and I failed there too after a promising start. The gilly I spotted in the harbour turned out to be common, and it was just as well I managed to clinch the confirmation. There were also some commic terns, but couldn't clinch those either.
At SS, I saw the colony for the first time. However on the way home I couldn't resistgoing via Ynys-las for the king (queen!) eider. After parking at the side of the road by a boat club I followed a muddy backlane down to the beach and saltmarsh area. I followed a path that soon disappeared on the slippery salt marsh, and my shoes took a battering. However I spied someone with a scope, and made my way over to him. The eider was feeding out in the channel near a great crested grebe, and I had great views of her feeding for a while before the tide started coming in and I had to hit the road again. I also had a close encounter with some dunlin, nervously feeding in a narrow channel nearby.

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