The Baikal teal at RSPB Greylake has been present for a little while, and it was an itch I couldn’t quite scratch at first. I had my first go for it on the 29th Jan, heading back north from Exeter after dropping in Jess and Shirley, throwing down a quick lunch and getting back on the road. That attempt resulted in a very cold, grey, windy stint in front of the screen, eyes watering in the draft. It was nice to add a host of the usual to the year list though, including a flyover snipe, and a great white egret in the background.
No dice though.
And so it was that the following weekend I couldn’t resist another go, despite seeing on Twitter how so many had dipped it several times in a row. There were also some ‘crippling’ photos of it too… I had the added pressure of Jess and Oscar in the car, so hoped against hope that I’d rock up and bag it. And.. I did just that.
There were loads at the screen, and a kindly gent let me
have a look down his scope for a sec to get on to it, and then even helped me get
my bearings. The latter was difficult to do due to having to point my scope at
a certain height through a gap in the screen over people’s shoulders and next
to someone’s head.
“See the shoveler? There’s another one behind it, and it’s
snoozing to the right of that, a teal in front of it.”
With hundreds of ducks in front of me that mightn’t have
sounded like the best guidance, but actually it worked a treat. The first
shoveler’s white breast reflected the sunlight, and from there it actually
worked out. I could see the head stripe quite easily. I watched it for a good
while hoping to see it properly, but it snoozed most of the time. I did get a
quick head up moment, and then again when it moved to the left, but all very
brief. Still, happy with that given the size of the punt trying a second time!
A flyover marsh harrier failed to disturb the roosting ducks,
and along with a great amount of golden plovers in the field to the right of
the screen and hide, added to the year list. After hearing some of the older birders joking about divorce, I thought it best not to stretch my luck too far, and headed back to the car, the itch scratched. A Cetti's was calling out in the reedbed for the year list, but one for another time. We headed into Glastonbury after
that for a wander around and had a nice family explore amongst the crystal shops, wizards and murals.