News broke Thurs night of a black tern juv. in Cardiff Bay, but too late for me to have a go for it as it was already dark. However, it was reported again the next day, and a few Whatsapp messages later, Nick picked me up from work and we headed to a rainy and blustery Prospect Place. After a few pans with the binoculars, Nick picked it up with his scope, and we could confirm it by it's typical tern behavior, diving and swooping. We ventured around to the barrage where we picked it up again and I had a go of Nick's HD 8x42's.. We soon realized we were on different birds, and the initial inkling of there being two was confirmed when they went side by side, battling the winds together!
Image credit - Nick! (As he said, with imagination). |
I awoke with a start on Saturday morning by loud owl screeches outside. I hastily made my way downstairs, and crept out into the garden. After a while it called again loudly, and I realized it was silhouetted on the chimney of the house opposite! After a short while it flew away, but I was very happy - finally, my first Tawny sighting, and an all-round tick at 2.15 in the morning!
Sunday evening saw a late report of arctic tern juv. and I went down with Jess and Olive in tow. I thought I managed to get it in the scope looking towards the barrage, and after trying to get some footage I lost it and never re-found it.. In doing so I managed to talk myself out it, and so it was that the second dip of the year on Arctic tern came to pass.