There's been a bit of wave of great stuff turning up locally of late, only I've been quite slow on the uptake so I decided today to at least get the ring-necked duck (Aythya collaris) that turned up in Cardiff Bay Wetlands, often frequenting the area off the board walk with the long-returning lesser scaup. This autumn has seen a big fall of yellow browed warblers, including individuals at Roath Rec, and Cardiff Bay. Geth also found a firecrest last weekend on the floodplain. Goldcrest have also been seen in large numbers coming over from the continent, and also a rumoured Dusky Warbler at Cosmeston...
I took a very eco-friendly trip down the Bay on the train, (more money saving than anything!) and funnily enough Geth and Dan were down on the board walk with a group of other birders. Turns out that it was Geth who reported the Dusky from Cosmeston! The scaup wasn't in attendance, but I was soon on to the RNG, though it kept it's distance most of the time, diving and feeding.